The Sale
Annual Fall Bull Sale
+ the Pride of Texas Female Sale
Selling Quality Registered Hereford Bulls &
Selling Registered & Commercial Hereford, Brahman & F 1 Females
Saturday, October 26, 2024 @ 12:00 noon CST
LOT 50
- WF ROCK STAR 9007 | Reg#: 44494484
- Lot 50 is a great doing bull. Clean up front with body and muscle. Walks like a cat and can he travel. We believe his calves will mass the scale.
- Consignor: Whitaker Farms
LOT 51
- WF BB BOY 9007 | Reg#: 44491909
- Lot 51 is stout made. He is square with bone and muscle. Some pigment.
- Consignor: Whitaker Farms
LOT 52
- WF NIMITZ PRIDE 140 | Reg#: P44494496
- Lot 52 is a nice polled bull with lots of qualities. He is clean fronted, big bodied, big topped and plenty of muscle.
- Consignor: Whitaker Farms
LOT 57
- Consignor: Ivey Ranch
LOT 58
- Consignor: Ivey Ranch
LOT 59
- Consignor: Ivey Ranch
LOT 60
- Consignor: Ivey Ranch
LOT 61
- Consignor: Ivey Ranch