Office Information

Phone & Fax Contacts:
(210) 844-4806
Fax: (361) 358-7338

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 697
Beeville, TX 78104


President Mr. Larry Schmidt
1st Vice President Mr. Ward Smith
2nd Vice President Mr. Rodney Butler
Secretary: Mr. Marvin Titzman
Sale Manager: Sara Lanham


Mr. Ralph Stubenthal
Dr. Wayne Deason
Mr. Roy Steindorf
Mrs. Kaci Moscatelli
Mr. Don Roeder


For over 80 years, members of the South Texas Hereford Association have supplied quality Hereford bulls in volume to the commercial cowmen in the South Texas area.

On April 19, 1937, a group of thirty-two representative cattlemen from Bee and surrounding counties met at Bee County court house for the purpose of organizing an association to build up the cattle industry in South Texas. The following people of South Texas signed the original charter: Paul Russell, Sidney Smith, J.R. McGuffin, Tom NcNeill, John R. Scott, Sr., K.L. Handy, T.L. Wilson, George Miller, B.V. Matheson, Raymond C. Brown, F.M. Ellis, C.H. Hardison, Claude E. Heard, Charles Mull, R.A. Hall, C.L. Cox, L.B. Williamson, Bennie H. Wilson, B.H. Wilson, Hinnant Brothers, Grover Impson, John P. Impson, B.S. Byrnes, G.W. Clare, J.J. McKinney, Leonard C. Smith, W.E. Handy, J.A. Handy, J.A. Stewart, T.L. Wade, Carroll R. Jones, R.P. Lucas, and Texas Livestock Marketing Association of Fort Worth. With the assistance of Jack Turner from the Texas Hereford Association, the group organized an association to be called the South Texas Breeder-Feeder Association.

At that first meeting in Beeville, plans were made to hold an annual Registered Breeder Show and Sale. On November 5, 1937 that first sale became a reality with 17 Hereford bulls and 5 Hereford females selling. The top selling and first place bull was bred and consigned by J.R. Roeder of Yorktown and sold for $385.00 to Sidney Smith of Beeville.

In 1939, the name of the organization changed to the South Texas Hereford Breeder-Feeder Association. By 1940, the group was holding sales twice a year – in the early spring and fall. During the 1950’s, only one sale was held each in the fall, but consignments had increased dramatically due to the fact that pens of range bulls were be being sold. Total sales topped $100,000 for the first time in the fall of 1952 sale as a top record of 242 bulls were sold that day averaging $396.00 per head. Again in 1953, the name changed to the present South Texas Hereford Association. By the 1960’s the annual fall show and sale was recognized as the largest All-Hereford show and sale in the Southwest.

In fall of 1969, the S.T.H.A. held its first F-1 female sale in conjunction with its Hereford bull and female sale. Crossbreeding had long been a common practice in South Texas, with the Hereford-Brahman cross proving to be the most popular. The organization was now able to offer its commercial buyers not only quality Hereford bulls in volume, but also true F-1 females that would do the job under harsh South Texas range conditions.

Today the sale is held twice a year. The fall sale is always held on the last Saturday in October, and the spring sale is held the first Saturday in February. The consignors annually sell approximately 100 Hereford bulls, 50 Hereford females, and 500 true F-1 females.

Upcoming Sales

October 25, 2025 - The Fall Sale
February 7, 2026 - The Spring Sale

All STHA sales take place at the Beeville Livestock Commission, Inc. Hwy 59 East, Beeville, Texas.

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